Nippy Nuns

At the top there is the key art of Frostpunk 2 of a person wearing goggles reflecting flames, at the bottom is the key art from Indika of the protagonist, a young woman in a black hooded nun habit surrounded but older nuns ghoulishly laughing. The older nuns have gold halos around their heads. The text Nippy Nuns in Ice and flames with halos features in the middle, and the Zed Games podcast and 4zzz Podcast logos sit in the bottom and top left of the image respectively.
This week on ZedGames: Special Guest Tom from Netherworld/ZedGames joins Maylee and Paul as they talk Gaming News, Reviews, Community, and Culture. Maylee injects news into your ear holes and then the team discusses the exciting topics – Nintendo game sales, horror visor game Proximate from Cain Maddox, and SAVE&SOUND. Paul gets guilty in the “not a hardcore nunnery RPG” Indika from Odd Meter Games, and Maylee reviews Frostpunk 2 – a different game living in the shadow of the original – from 11 Bit Studios.